2022 - Hello!

What an incredibly challenging couple of years. The challenge began in early 2020 when we found ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic. Covid-19 was the name given to this disease which was rapidly travelling around the world. Countries going into complete lockdowns to protect their citizens and our movements restricted. 2021 wasn’t much better lockdowns lifted in May 2021 and people in the UK attempting to bring back something of what felt more ‘normal’. I, with many others hadn’t been able to work for a full year and some. I had been teaching yoga classes on line. Counselling had all but dried up as people were really confused about what was happening. I jogged along and then finally in May 2021 I was able to get back to in person teaching. I took my classes off line and back to Roberttown where gradually over the year people started to return and classes were looking great. Not pre pandemic great as social distancing meant classes were all generally half their previous size, but still great that people turned up. I also started a brand new class in Howden Clough, this was interesting. week 1 - me and 1 student, week 2 - me and two students, week 3 - you get the picture. But now in January 2022, the class is full, in fact it is is oversubscribed and I need to find another day to teach or another venue/time in addition to this one. I was also lucky to be offered an existing class at Balne Lane in Wakefield. This class didn’t return until mid July and as of now we only missed two classes over Christmas and New Year. I still have online classes and these are still well supported and so I feel with my online classes, in person classes, 121 yoga classes, Reiki and Bars treatments and my return of counselling clients I am starting 2022 in a really good place. I began my grief therapy training this week and I am continuing with my yoga backcare and wellbeing for social prescribing course and my Advanced Practitioner Diploma course.

I have come to realise that I am here to help people to heal, that I am here to offer people alternative ways of living in this often challenging life. That there are ways to feel better and to hold this space with another person to be in whatever is needed.

My next focus will be to start to hold sacred spaces for women’s groups. Spaces which allow groups of women to be together and share. To nurture and care for each other. These women’s circles are something I discovered over the last two years and have been amazing sources of support when needed. I am looking forward to being able to share these spaces with others.

I intend to hold more workshops too. My winter workshop back in December is still being talked about and I am asked weekly when the next one will be. So plans are underway to create new workshops for 2022. What a wonderful start to my year.

I am open to all opportunities, open to all that the universe/source has planned for me and I don’t intend to miss any of them so watch this space for all new ideas being put in place.

I hope 2022 will be an amazing year to you too. Maybe if you pop along to one of my classes or my holistic treatments or even counselling you will discover just how amazing your year can be too.

Namaste x


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